Alongside our Member Enterprises and our Corporate & Social Enterprise Partners, Charitable Reuse Australia also enlists Supporter Organisations.

Eligibility for Supporter Organisation status is limited to commercial textile collection and second-hand reuse export companies operating in Australian markets and/or with charitable organisations within Australia.

The strict eligibility criteria and careful screening for Supporter Organisation status is over and above the general Corporate Partner requirements and aims to separate highly reputable companies from others that may not live up to high standards of professionalism, given their involvement in direct collections of donations.

Each Supporter Organisation is non-voting and operates in the commercial collections and export sector that sits alongside the charitable reuse sector. Supporter status includes Corporate Partnership with Charitable Reuse Australia, but not formal membership which is limited to charitable reuse enterprises meeting the non-profit membership criteria.

Supporter Organisation Criteria


  • Representation

    Organisations are to be clearly represented as commercials and not as community, charitable or non-profit organisations

  • Terminology

    Organisations are to only use the terms ‘Supporter Organisation’ and ‘Corporate Partner’ but not use the terms ‘Member’ or ‘Membership’

  • Policy Positions

    Organisations are to align with Charitable Reuse Australia messaging and policy positions, and not undermine any of these positions

  • Donation Bin Policy

    Organisations are to maintain compliance with Charitable Reuse Australia’s donation bin policies, and all state and local government policies, guidelines and expectations

  • Export Accreditation Scheme

    Organisations are to maintain compliance with Charitable Reuse Australia’s textile reuse accreditation scheme

  • Modern Slavery

    Organisations are to are to acknowledge and; where applicable; respond to the objectives of the Modern Slavery Act

  • Upholding Trust

    Organisations are to uphold and support trust in charities and responsible donating

  • Supporting Role

    Organisations are to support charitable members access quality donations, reduce dumping and increase resource recovery

  • Business Practices

    Organisations are to maintain responsible business practices without anti-competitive behaviour

  • Member Servicing

    Organisations are to maintain responsiveness and communication on any member servicing issues as they arise

  • Dispute Resolution Service

    Charitable Reuse Australia may be asked to mediate in a dispute resolution process with any affected members

  • Charitable Sector

    Organisations are to defer to Charitable Reuse Australia’s role to speak on behalf of the charitable reuse sector

  • Advocacy Expectations

    Charitable Reuse Australia will decide on if, when and how any advocacy campaigns are undertaken

  • Application Decisions

    Decisions on Supporter applications are solely at the discretion of the Charitable Reuse Australia board

  • Breaches of Criteria

    Supporter Organisation status may be revoked by Charitable Reuse Australia at any time for any breaches of criteria

Supporter Organisation Benefits

Supporter Organisations include all the benefits of the Corporate Partner status, as well as the following benefits:

Supporters are provided with a Charitable Reuse Australia profile and access our member enterprises in an appropriate forum. In these settings, Supporter Organisations  are able to promote their products and services.

Gold Supporter Package – $8,750 (National)

The highest level of Supporter Organisation is a National Gold Supporter, with a package of benefits designed to optimise their profile status and access to members on a national basis.


Status as Charitable Reuse Australia Gold SupporterApproved Access to Promote Services to Members
Marketing & Communications PackageApproved Marketing and Positioning Messages
Gold Supporter Profile on WebsiteLogo, Images and Promotional Text
Charitable Reuse Australia Gold Supporter IconApproved Charitable Reuse Australia Icon for your Marketing Use
Charitable Reuse Australia e-Newsletter PromotionsTwo Promotions a Year
Charitable Reuse Australia e-Newsletter Ad BannersTwo Ad Banners a Year
Charitable Reuse Australia Member Meeting AccessAccess to all Charitable Reuse Australia Member Meetings Nationally
Charitable Reuse Australia Member PresentationInformation Presentation at Two Meetings
Charitable Reuse Australia Conference SponsorshipReduced Rates for Sponsorship Opportunities
Charitable Reuse Australia Conference DelegatesReduced Rates for Conference Delegates

Silver Supporter Package – $2,750 (State)

The second tier of Supporter Organisation is a State-based Silver Supporter, with a commensurate package of benefits designed to optimise their profile status and access to members on a state-wide basis.


Status as Charitable Reuse Australia Silver SupporterApproved Access to Promote Services to Members
Marketing & Communications PackageApproved Marketing and Positioning Messages
Silver Supporter Profile on WebsiteLogo, Images and Promotional Text
Charitable Reuse Australia Silver Supporter IconApproved Charitable Reuse Australia Icon for your Marketing Use
Charitable Reuse Australia e-Newsletter PromotionsOne Promotion a Year
Charitable Reuse Australia Member Meeting AccessAccess to all Charitable Reuse Australia Member Meetings Nationally
Charitable Reuse Australia Conference SponsorshipReduced Rates for Sponsorship Opportunities
Charitable Reuse Australia Conference DelegatesReduced Rates for Conference Delegates

Are you interested in becoming a Supporter Organisation for Charitable Reuse Australia?

The National Association of Charitable Recycling Organisations Limited is a company limited by guarantee, operating under ASIC and trading as Charitable Reuse Australia.
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