Federal Inquiry into Waste & Recycling

NACRO commends the Federal Government on its inquiry into innovation in the Waste and Recycling Industries.

NACRO has lodged a submission on the role of the charitable reuse and recycling sector as pioneers of the Circular Economy and key drivers of reuse in Australia. It calls on the Government to action four key recommendations:

  • Leverage the charitable recycling sector as a critical enabler of the Circular Economy and of reuse.
  • Initiate a National Textiles Reuse Policy, as a multi sector collaboration to ensure reuse is prioritised in the emerging Circular Economy as it delivers higher economic returns than recycling.
  • Conduct national research on material flows for textiles and other household goods, in order to develop an agreed understanding of the current challenges, and ensure opportunities are pursed at the highest levels of the waste hierarchy.
  • Encourage the development of recycling technology infrastructure to add value to textiles that cannot be reused or repurposed.

Please click here to see NACRO’s submission to the Federal Inquiry, or find it on the Parliament of Australia’s website here.